14 September, 2009


I went to the Waterloo County Knitters' Fair with Deb on Saturday.  A whole day spent in the company of other knitters was great.  Of course Deb had to work in the Cabin Fever Booth, but I had the freedom to wander.  I did purchase yarn even though I have lots in my stash.  How can a knitting kook like me resist.  I met with friends that were also at the show as well as networked with others of similar interest.  You always learn something at an event like that.  It was a great show and the drive to Aurora with Deb was an opportunity to talk about, what else, but Knitting and Designing.  Then we joined the Aurora Guild and had a wonderful time on a school bus full of knitters from Aurora to the show.  The guild held draws for great prizes on the way to the show and of course Show-and-Tell on the way home.  Full Day!

JJ Jacket is done!!!! 

Now I am back at the keyboard, determined to get all the designs that are in my head on paper.  Baby Compass is my first project to finish.  It is multidirectional and after discussing the difficulty of writing, what is so easy to knit, with Deb; I am taking her advise and creating schematics for the sections.  It is time consuming but really will make the pattern easier to follow.

Above are sections 1-4 of 8 sections when complete.  Make any sense to anybody?  Trust me it will.  I am back in the saddle and loving it. 
- MommaBearKnits on into tomorrow


  1. Hello,

    I'm thinking the 2nd section, at least the top squares are the same as the other one. So, right sleeve, left sleeve? Then there's a right front, but I don't see a left front. Odd. Good luck.

  2. can not wait to see the finished pattern!

  3. The schematic is very good. But I have the advantage of having seen the sweater itself so I totally get the drawing. It will definitely help the knitter when they work through the pattern. I like it.
