15 August, 2010

Butterscotch approves Junior Compass #10-004

My name is Butterscotch and I am wearing the smallest size (preemie) Baby Compass and I am wrapped up in the largest (10 yrs) Junior Compass.  It is hot but I still wanted to have a hug and say goodbye to the big guy.   Junior Compass is suitable for both girls and boys, just place the buttons on the opposite side. Hopefully the pattern pictures will be finalized by tomorrow (Monday) and then it will be on Patternfish. 
Not a great picture but it is a great hug!
Now MommaBear will get back to her sticks and strings.  A new baby cardigan/hat/socks pattern is in the works.  Lot's of samples to do before MommaBear lets her patterns out in cyberworld for all knit -- I hope.

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